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Saturday, January 7, 2012


Camp has always been a big part of my life. As a child, I counted down the days until camp started the next year. I loved camp.

A few years ago, I found my favorite camp counselor on facebook. She was amaazed I remembered her name. I was amazed she remembered me. We caught up, she asked me what I did now.

I told her I was a camp director. She laughed and said, "of course you are." It was nice to catch with her.

She has a daugther that sells Girl Scout cookies, and I buy cookies from her every year. The daughter called tonight to see if I wanted some and then I talked to mom.

She told me that she and her family were going to walk in my MS walk this year on our team. Her husband used to be very involved with the MS walk years ago and hadn't done it since the birth of their kids. So, they were excited about this. I, of course, am also excited.

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